Course Category: Free

Learn Why Outdoor Play Is So Important

Course Description Why is outdoor play so important and what can you do outdoors, all year round!. To start the course please click “Enrol” in the top corner and then choose the link below under “Course Content”.

The Importance of Play for Child Development

Course Description Learn why play is so important to a child’s development and get some ideas of things to do with children. To start the course please click “Enrol” in the top corner and then choose the link below under “Course Content”.

The Incredible Babies Programme

Course Description This session outlines some invaluable tips for parents of young babies. Also contains a brief guide to the Incredible Years Babies Programme delivered by Newry SureStart. This session is about 8 minutes long. To start the course please click “Enrol” in the top corner and then choose the link below under “Course Content”.

Introduction to the Parenting Puzzle

Course Description A short introduction to the Parenting Puzzle Programme delivered by Newry SureStart.Includes valuable tips for parents to try at home. This session is about 5 minutes long. To start the course please click “Enrol” in the top corner and then choose the link below under “Course Content”.

Your Childs Multi Sensory Development

Course Description An invaluable guide for parents outlining why sensory development and play is so important for children. Includes ideas for sensory play with young children. This session is about 5 minutes long. To start the course please click “Enrol” in the top corner and then choose the link below under “Course Content”.

Help & Support For Parents Struggling With Anxiety

Course Description Learn how anxiety can impact on a family and how you can deal with it. This video is about 5 mins long. To start the course please click “Enrol” in the top corner and then choose the link below under “Course Content”.

Your Child’s Speech, Language & Communication Development

Course Description An invaluable guide for parents/carers in relation to your child’s speech, language and communication development. Ideas and advice includes information for developing your child’s: Attention and listening Understanding of language Use of language Social skills To start the course please click “Enrol” in the top corner and then choose the link below under …

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